Journal Detail
Guidelines for Author |
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Peer Review Process |
Publication Ethics |
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Copyright and Journal License |
Abstract and Indexing |
Plagiarism Policy |
Open Access Statement |
Crossmark Policy |
Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Study (abbreviated as JSSCS), published by PT Batara Swastika Harati, p-ISSN 3031-0083 and e-ISSN 3032-0631 The Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Study is has published in three (3) issues per year and published in November - February, March - June, Jully - October. Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity also uses the LOCKSS system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal. Since 2023, Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Study member of CrossRef, therefore each article will own a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number 10.61857/jsscs , Web of Science and ORCID Connecting Research and Researchers, see Abstract and Indexing.
Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Study (abbreviated as JSSCS), published by PT Batara Swastika Harati, p-ISSN 3031-0083 and e-ISSN 3032-0631 The Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Study is has published in three (3) issues per year and published in November - February, March - June, Jully - October.Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Study also uses the LOCKSS system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal.
Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Study (JSSCS)
Published by: PT Batara Swastika Harati
Email: [cc to] (Paper Handling Issues). (Publication Issues)
Jln. Strawberry I.B No. Kelurahan Panarung, Kecamatan Pahandut.
Kota Palangka Raya Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah
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