Sustainable Development Goals: Parking Attendants' Decent Work Challenges And Policies


  • Sandy Kurnia CHRISTMAS Universitas OSO, Indonesia
  • Aurellia ANGELIQUE Universitas OSO, Indonesia
  • Annisyaputri ANNISYAPUTRI Universitas OSO, Indonesia
  • Yudith Evametha VITRANILLA Universitas OSO, Indonesia



Access to Decent Work, Parking Attendants, Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainable Development Goals are an agenda to increase inclusive economic growth in a region. Pontianak City as the capital of West Kalimantan Province has an important role in increasing the realization of this development by implementing policies oriented towards sustainable development, specifically in fulfilling access to decent work in Pontianak City. One of the employment sectors that is of concern is providing access to decent work for parking attendants. The aim of this research is to examine whether the fulfillment of access to decent work for parking attendants has been fully fulfilled by looking at access to the fulfillment of human rights and compliance with the laws regulated in existing regulatory policies in the City of Pontianak. This research was carried out using socio-legal research methods as it will examine social rules which are confirmed based on existing laws in legislation. The results of this research show that in fulfilling access to decent work within the standards set in the sustainable development goals, there are still several indicators that have not been met. One aspect of access to decent work for parking attendants that has not been met is that social security is still not a priority, as well as the lack of availability of laws governing parking management in Pontianak City. So there needs to be consideration and strengthening in fulfilling the law so that parking attendants get clear legal status with legal availability to realize decent work and economic growth in accordance with the 8 Sustainable Development Goals


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