Paradigm Shift In Lecturing Towards Students In The Post-Pandemic Context: Challenges And Ethical Implications


  • Muhammad RAFLISYAH Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Indyra YASMIN Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Novia Ayu LATIFA Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia



Competence, Participation, Leadership, Pro-Social, accountability


During the period of online learning in Indonesia, various issues related to learner ethics were found. According to the Human Capital Index 2020, the knowledge of students in Indonesia who are expected to complete 12 years of schooling, due to the pandemic they are only equivalent to 7 years of learning. When they move on to the university level, this causes a decrease in the social ethics possessed by each student due to the pandemic product because they do not directly get a good learning process and knowledge in ethical implications. This research aims to look at the challenges and ethical implications in the post-pandemic context. This research seeks to dissect the factors that cause students’ paradigm shifts in post- pandemic lectures. In this study, researchers will conduct a case study on the paradigm shift of lectures to the academic community of Yogyakarta State University. The research sample used was purposive sampling technique, so that researchers used samples of students and lecturers at the Faculty of Social, Legal and Political Sciences, Yogyakarta State University. The results of this study are expected to be a study material and reference source for students and lecturers to fix the ethical implications in the context of post-pandemic learning as well as a wise reflection in responding to changes in the previous educational period.


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