Planning For The Development of Urban Tourism Destinations (A Study on The Tourism Office of Kupang City


  • Eurike F. D. ADOE Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
  • Apriana H. J. FANGGIDAE Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
  • Hendrik TODA Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia



Tourism, Planning, Urban


The relatively low revenue from the tourism sector indicates that tourism management in Kupang City requires serious attention from the local government, considering the promising tourism potential of Kupang City, which can be an option to increase local revenue and boost the community's economy towards building the region for the better. This research is qualitative, and the data were obtained from primary and secondary sources collected through observation, interviews, and document review with 40 informants. The collected data were analyzed using data analysis techniques (Creswell, 2016). The research findings indicate that the planning for the development of urban tourism destinations at the Kupang City Tourism Office revealed: (a) the actors involved in the planning process include both official and unofficial actors; (b) a review of the situation and identification of issues from an economic perspective shows that the threat is the community's mindset, which is difficult to change, while the opportunity lies in the economic development involving many creative economic players in Kupang City. The weakness is the lack of budget for urban tourism development, but we have the strength of being the capital city of NTT province and a gateway to Timor Leste; (c) forecasting indicates that the current tourism condition is still limited to natural tourist destinations, while urban tourism development has not been maximized. The actors strongly support the planning for more advanced urban tourism development; (d) the establishment of goals and strategy formulation refers to the vision and mission of the Kupang City Government. In implementing tourism development strategies, the organization first conducts communication among stakeholders and the local community; (e) the approval of plans indicates that, to date, the development plan for urban tourism destinations at the Kupang City Tourism Office is still in the planning stage       


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